Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Task 23: Reflection

I did look at some sites that I have not used before, however I don't think I would choose to use many of them.
I am fairly up to speed with technology, but also know there is always something new coming out that I haven't seen. A busy life results in little time for playing with new technologies just for the sake of it, I tend to find something that will meet a need that I have and don't really have time to go beyond that. There are several things covered that I do use regularly and already did prior to doing 23 things.

The self-directed learning has been good to fit it in to the changing workloads throughout the academic year (as can be seen by how long it has taken me to complete.

New Task 19: Wifi and security

I am very much aware of security issues with wifi. I set up my own wireless in my home and it is important to use appropriate levels of encryption and passwords. It is also a good security measure with home wireless not to make the range of your wireless too big. If you can keep the range pretty much within your property then it is very unlikely that neighbours or people on the street would even pick it up to know to try to get into it. Doing banking or other types of secure transactions on "free" wireless (at maccas, a public library, on the train) is a big mistake, and your asking for trouble - just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Task 16: Technorati

Yes the results are different. There is a very big array of different types of blogs presented.
I can't say I'm that big on reading other peoples blogs. You generally don't know who the authors are, what kind of bias they might have, or even if what they are writing is factual or fictional. I am unlikely to ever write another blog myself (after this one), so would not use technorati tagging.

Task 14:Prezi

Not a bad idea. Could be quite good for students developing a presentation, especially if they don't have MS ppt. A bit much that you have to get a paid subscription to make any Prezi you create private - you should get a choice. This seems to be a big area of development, presentation creation technology. Given what a big market sector microsoft has it will be interesting to see what they do with their next release of PowerPoint.

Task 15: Delicious

Not that keen on Delicious. I don't use the same bookmarks at home and work, and I take my iPad back and forth between the two anyway. I have also never heard of the site before so wonder how many people actually have and are they just collectors who bookmark anything they come across? Might find some useful stuff, but if I wanted to share a link with my friends I would email them rather than rely on them all be signed up to this site.

New Task 20: Mobile Apps

Love apps. Have been using them for ages on my iPod touch and this year on my iPad. Much friendly format to look at things in. Quick to access. Apps for everything, work, play, travel, communication. Biggest challenge is keeping up with all the new ones coming out and what's good. Never enough time for app exploring.

Task 18: Podcasts

Also commented on this last year when it was Task 20 - this is getting confusing