Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hello.......it's me! (task 3)

Hello Hello

For those of you I haven't met, I'm Wendy Furlan, the Pharmacy librarian across the river at PACE. It's far too mentally draining at this time of the afternoon to come up with an interesting persona, so you are just stuck with the original.

I've finally got around to starting 23 things.....at a time when I don't have 23 other things I need to be doing (maybe only 15 at the moment). And hope to push through. Not sure if I'll make it by the cutoff though, working half time with 2 weeks leave thrown in, but we'll see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Wendy.
    Congrats on creating the blog. Don't let the thought of not finishing 'on time' get you down.
    If necessary set yourself a slightly later deadline. :)

    I've added your blog to the UQL Blogs list. Enjoy.
