Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Task 5 - Flickr

Just gone to login to Flickr for the first time. I don't have a Yahoo account but it gave me an option to "sign in with another account" and Google was there. Great! I already have a Google account and it's annoying having thousands of different accounts floating around everywhere.

Why do they want my DOB when I create an account? I stongly object to giving my DOB out to random internet accounts as that is a security question often used to verify identity over the phone. I think putting your DOB out there everywhere is opening yourself up for identity theft - why make it easy for the criminals? My Flickr account has a DOB of 1 May 1900 - looking pretty good for 110 years old!

Uploaded a photo I took earlier this year of the current edition of Martindale (2 volumes), a common Pharmacy reference book, and a reprint of the very first edition, originally published in 1883:

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